Few species can transfer information to next generations which leads to learning and knowledge without going through the previous persons experience and this can grow upon and build on the technology and improvements in our environment.

Larger the number the more our average decisions become accurate. The gum ball bag experiment where in a bag full of gumballs we have to guess the exact number.

The average guess of the number of gum balls in bag becomes fairly accurate with larger number of people trying to guess, more people make a guess the more accurate the average, just like science keeps evolving as our population keeps growing. More the people more we together scientifically evolve.

Something about the greater numbers !!!      Once we populate the galaxies with trillions of humans we will be even more accurate and more scientifically evolved.   At present it seems earth is our only planet to thrive but time keeps changing. God is helping life as life believes in God. We are water and carbon based life forms but there are ethereal and other element based life forms, we use glucose as energy trapped from light, they may use other energy sources.

Athenesius Kirchers names of god (1653 AD)

Nature & God hold life in their hands, there are great variety of life forms, with humans most evolved. Life forms numbers wax and wane with resources and environment and together we evolve, variety is a safety for survival in change of environment  in various planets where life exists. Probably ethereal forms, alternative chemical environments.

 ​God is mentioned in various societies from start of civilization names have originated for supreme being  God, Allah, Ishwar many names mentioned for omnipotent, almighty , force, spirit, father , mother and many descriptions  but all are pertaining to Life from human perception over ages , which has two important features consciousness and death. 

Religion, sect, faith , belief, sangha all kind of congregations and principles and scriptures pertain to human and life forms in relationship to environment from micro to Universe and beyond.

​God has been the creator and sustainer.

Time is also mentioned with life , God and environment as an important physical law of constant change, we are aware of.

War , hate , love, religion are all products of conditioning over period of learning in time from childhood to death.

More than half the human civilization (Communists, Buddhist & atheists ) , does not pray or believe in God still they derive same benefits in modern age.

​We live to let live. 


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